“Call Out & Deconstruct Hate”
New works in progress, evolving from my “Common Origins” series.
Contemporary culture remains complex, now more than ever, especially during this horrific pandemic.
For hundreds of years, as a matter of conscience, artists have responded to the moment as a form of creative expression and decidedly as a moral and political act. Though challenged, the creative process remains as a source for healing and resilience.
When I saw Donald Trump proclaim his theatrics and mock a disabled journalist, I was dismayed and angered. Now he admonishes military veterans who have and continue to make the greatest sacrifice for their country as “losers” and “suckers” and military leaders as “f..kers” and “p..sies”. His pattern of lies, bullying, misogyny, cover-ups, voter suppression, nationalistic white supremacist stoked citizen and fueled racial divide and downplayed response to the COVID-19 crisis
for his personal benefit defies human decency and defines failed leadership. My older brother Terry, mentor and life long inspiration, just died of Covid-19. While grieving , I am angered.
At this cataclysmic moment in our country and throughout the globe, fascism runs rampant.
Coming from a family of Veterans, including my father's WWII service,
my brother Michael's service and my own, USAF, Vietnam Era, '70-'74, I am compelled to respond.
My personal point of view (PPOV) in response is expressed
in these developing paintings below, “Call Out & Deconstruct Hate”. - MD '20
All work are available for purchase unless otherwise noted. Purchase inquiries welcome via the website contact page, click on "more" in the website header above.
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